















Mike: Our lone request to seniors: Remember

Posted On: Monday, May 28, 2007
By: alexanderscot

By Mike
Executive Director

This is a re-post of last year�s
touching ode to graduating athletes by our Mike McGraw. Seniors, enjoy �

school sports year is drawing to a close, and with it the athletic careers of
thousands of senior athletes in Indiana.
It is a time for satisfaction and, for a few, a time of regret. It is a time
for excitement about your futures and a touch of melancholy that the past four
years will never be repeated.

As you begin
your careers in college or the workplace, we at Hoosier Authority have only one
request: Remember.

your road may lead you, remember the fun and sense of accomplishment that your
participation in high school sports delivered. Many of you will never again,
with the exception of your spouse and children, be as dedicated to anything in
life as you have been to yourselves and your teammates over the past four years.
If ever again you experience the same sense of camaraderie, consider yourself
among the lucky few.

As the
years roll by, don�t let time dim the memories of this time and the fun you

You have
been a part of American sport in its purest form. There were no multi-year
contracts, just four short years to have your time in the spotlight. There were
no holdouts, just the elation of knowing that you were part of something
special. For most of you, there were no hordes of reporters or bright lights
from the television cameras, just a little voice inside telling you that you
should be proud of yourself. There were no recruitment battles, just a volume
of life lessons you will carry with you into the tough times ahead.

Take a
moment to reflect on what a marvelous journey it has been, and then reflect for
a moment on your obligation to ensure that the journey is equally wonderful for
those who will follow.

how great it felt to be cheered from the stands, and for many of you how empty
it felt not to be supported as strongly as you deserved. Remember how much you
looked up to those who were the age you are now when you were in middle school.
Remember how much the younger kids have looked up to you. For those of you who have experienced playing in a winning
program, remember how the people in your community walked a little lighter and
smiled a little broader on a Saturday morning when you and your mates had won
the night before.

These are
all feelings you may never experience again but which will stay with you for
the rest of your lives ââ?¬â?? if you simply remember.

Next year,
when the choice is another party at college or coming back for your school�s
homecoming � remember. When you settle into whatever community you eventually
call home � remember. When your grade school-aged children bug you to take them
to the game after your hard week of work � remember. When your high school-aged
children ask if you are coming to their track meet the next afternoon � remember.

When your
family is grown and you don�t even know the names of the players on the team
anymore � remember.

You have
been a part of something very special. The pressures of life will inevitably
try to make you forget that. The only wisdom we have to offer is that the same
experiences you had will continue to be special for the generations to come ââ?¬â??
but only if you remember.

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